Thursday 22 November 2012

News 27 - This is Long Due - ALL ABOUT AUTUMN

Dear All

Hope you all are well.

So yes September has gone and we are into October.  I just cannot believe how quickly time has flown.
Picking up from my last newsletter 3rd September was supposed to be a rainy day but turned out to be lovely so we had an impromptu BBQ and invited my childhood friend Doris, who was in Toronto, and her daughter and fiance.  Doris stayed over for a couple of days so we enjoyed a few local drives. Back in UK I never felt the need for people to stay over as I was always surrounded by close friends.  As Doris's daughter is getting married at the end of October I took the opportunity to go dress shopping and see what outfit I could get for the wedding.  Being neither summer or winter trying to find the right outfit proved a real problem for me. At last I have found something and I am desperately trying to lose a few pounds but I am finding it very hard!!!

Jack worked at our new front extension and finished the tiling.  We can only paint it in the spring when the temperature will be stable all round.  Siegrid, the lady I work for, is such a lovely person and I enjoy going to her every day to prepare her lunch. She lost her sight early this year but we have great conversations. Siegrid and her daughter Christine helped me to collage and frame the pictures of our UK farewell party in Feb 2011. Christine did a wonderful job and it looks nice on our wall in the sitting room reminding of our years in England. 

This September has also been our lucky month with raffles. At one event -a Goan celebration-Jack picked up 5 of the 25 prizes to his amazement, not of great value but quite exciting. One prize is a set of champagne glasses so we can celebrate our 35 wedding anniversary next year. Any offers for the bubbly??
Since coming to Canada I have been meeting with a number of friends from my younger days in India. I met Kevin and Deidre after 40 years.  They live in Australia and were on a round the world tour.  It was a real joy to be with them and catch up on the missing years.  

September has brought back our duties to visit the Nursing home and pay the seniors a visit and chat and bring some sort of human contact and happiness.  As I do not drive yet I pair up with another lady.  I have finally joined an Alumni Newcomer's club and it was our first get together on the 13th September.  I somehow clicked with the people and hope to see more of them at least for this year but at the rate the time is going I doubt I will get to know them well.  From such a laid back summer suddenly September was full of activity as all the groups fire up. (June, July, August are vacation months so most organised groups stop for a break.)  I am not complaining but it is strange to see how time flies when the week is filled with activities.  On Sunday the 16th September we went to see 'The British Car Show' in nearby Bronte.  A friend was showing one of his 3 vintage Jaguars. There must have been about a 500 vintage British cars and we even got to eat traditional Steak and Kidney, Cornish Pasties, and Haggis pies. What a lovely day not only seeing all the cars but the highlight for me (Mel) was the Union Jack van with all those hot pies. A little bit of England came to me! The owner said she understood how I was missing England as she has been here 11 years and still misses her fish and chips but loves the big houses here.  Well I do not care about the big houses but I love the summer here!  After the show Jack and I went to the lakeshore and saw the first colour change in the trees and then for a night cap of brandy at Jack's cousin's place.

On Saturday the 22nd September we went for a Day of Renewal -STIR THE HEART - organised by St Andrew's Prayer Group that Jack and I belong to.  A friend who came with us commented that it really stirred her heart. It was a very fulfilling day.  Last year I was I was at the front of desk, greeting people and seeing to tickets but this year I was part of a Prayer, healing and Reconciliation ministry. Through this I felt I needed some inner healing myself and having got it was amazed at the inner Peace I received.
It is really amazing how God works through others.                                                                        I THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU GOD FOR YOUR LOVE AND MERCY.. YOU ARE JUST FANTASTIC.  
Later in the evening we joined Marie and Sergio who are also part of St Andrew's Prayer Group for and Italian meal.  It was Sergio's 79th Birthday. Good food, good company, good service as they even came with a fancy cake and sang Happy Birthday.  Very thoughtful indeed.  

As winter approaches I decided to prepare some of my plants for wintering. So here I am repotting the fuschias and geraniums to bring them in saving them for next year just like I did in England. In England I had the shed with plastic roof so light did get in and of course the temperatures were very rarely under minus! Here we have made a place in the family room where there is light so hope all the effort is worth it and they stay alive and healthy.  I shall tell you all about it in SPRING.  The other day I was admiring my pink Dahlias and observed there were tiny holes and upon inspection I found there were crawlies under the petals.  I immediately sprayed it and like little drunken lads they were just falling off.  I had to apologize to the nasty creatures. 

After a beautiful day on Wednesday the 26th September, in the evening it suddenly got dark and the rain came.  I thought of India and England - got into the kitchen and made Pakoras (Onion Bhaajis for the English)).  I made so much that when Jack got back from work inquired if I was having a party. I said no. So he says "then what are you going to do with all these Pakoras?"  Well I said this is just like England where I would distribute them. I did think of all my English friends. Finally it dawned on me yeah! may be I am adapting to my life here in Canada!!  It was all appreciated which made me feel nice.  This impromptu cooking also came useful to my nieces family when we had to visit them to say bye to her inlaws who were returning to India.

Fall has come early with such beautiful flowers but the weather seem to be warm still.  Very strange.  I am not complaining.  Over here at this time of the year there are huge pots of MUMS short for Chrysanthemums.  Such breathtaking colors and I am told they are hardy and will survive to -5C temperature.  They will come back next year which is good.

After a whole year of feeling homesick my friend Laura finally takes me to an English Pub -I mean it is English! I had my Steak and Kidney pudding with gravy, mash potatoes and fresh vegetables.  It was just fantastic.  I liked the lady who served - very friendly and very English.  It was "My cup of tea" indeed.

After a lot of debate I went for early morning swimming with Ann-Marie but chickened out in the deep end.  I need to take some more lessons to boost my confidence.  Ann-Marie is full of warmth and patience for me.  I thank God for that.

We attended 4 weekly sessions of - Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton in October. The first session was on the life of Thomas Merton. If you want to look it up here is the link  At the end of the 4 weeks we hope to go to visit The Abbey of Genesee in Piffard, New York for a day of reflection.  I am so looking forward to that.

On Thursday the 4th October Josephine Lombardi gave a talk on Divine Mercy of God.  She gives talks to the Seminarian in St Augustine's Seminary.  Her talk was very powerful and taught me how to use my gifts in order to bring others closer to God.  We should be humble, compassionate and courageous if we need to advise  someone if they are on the wrong path. Sometimes she said people have to be allowed to struggle to learn. We must pray for people that we do not like, for those who do us wrong and hurt us.  We must focus on Jesus all the time. I tell you I learnt a lot from Josephine - such a warm and caring person.

Weekend of 6th 7th and 8th October was the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.  Saturday was a dinner at our place.  On Sunday Pauline invited us for Turkey and Ham lunch and met some more lovely people and on Monday we went to Barbara and Carl for lunch and met some more people.  But something beautiful happened and I have got to say it in order to give Glory to God.  I desperately wanted to have a Thanksgiving Turkey meal and God did it by putting it in Pauline's head to invite us to join them for Sunday lunch just as she was leaving our dinner party on Saturday night.  Just having faith and trusting in our Lord works wonders.

Arrival of Maryann and John have brought a lot of joy to us and we had the most wonderful wedding of our dear friend's daughter Faye on Saturday the 26th October and everything went off well, it was perfect and the next day was the Brunch.  They are going to be here for 10 days and right now we are in Ottawa

Hope the Autumn  will be lovely and let us not think of winter yet.  Let us pray that people will focus on God and the flood every where does not cause more havoc.

I AM SORRY I AM NOT ABLE TO PUT PHOTOS.  Anymore delay will only mean that this won't go.  I shall put them at another time.

The next blog will be about Maryann and John.

Take care, God Bless, hope to hear from you soon.

With love

Jack and Mel


News 27 - Hello from Jack and Mel in Canada - Long Over due - Nov.2012
You are invited to view mel's album. This album has 59 files.

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