News 2 - 2013
Dear All
As promised here is my second email continuing about my flight from UK to Canada.
On Monday the 4th Feb Manjit and Surinder dropped me to the airport and Maryann was there to meet me. She had breakfast and I had coffee. Soon it was time to say Bye Bye again. The flight was great as the crew was fun to be with. Arrived at 5pm and my beloved hubby was there to greet me.
Arrived home sweet home, unpacking upstairs and the door bell goes. Jack calls out to me to come down. I said to myself I am so tired but never mind. I go down and look at Jack and he has that grin and before I could say anything there was such a din that I jumped off my feet. It was Rudy and Allan from my Prayer Group came to give me a surprised welcome. It was hilarious but emotional that some have such love and care for others. Started to have a drink and talk and talk, next I know they had brought food and Jack had cooked some too. It was such a warm way to start my being back in Oakville in the midst of winter. To top it all and to end it all they gave me a Welcome cake filled with my favourite nuts and one of them was Pistachio. It was yummy. I shared it with Laura and Nicky when they came to visit me the next day.
Coming back was lined with visits to the hospital for Xray etc but between Laura and Nicky I was well looked after. I thank God for these Angels who are always there to help me. On Wednesday the 6th Feb was my niece's daughter Danielle's 6th Birthday. They had invited us to a restaurant called JERUSALEM. It was fun to be with them. Danielle wanted a blue dress and Denise's daughter wanted a purple dress. It was again Laura and Nicky that helped me to go shopping and buy these.
Coming back was lined with visits to the hospital for Xray etc but between Laura and Nicky I was well looked after. I thank God for these Angels who are always there to help me. On Wednesday the 6th Feb was my niece's daughter Danielle's 6th Birthday. They had invited us to a restaurant called JERUSALEM. It was fun to be with them. Danielle wanted a blue dress and Denise's daughter wanted a purple dress. It was again Laura and Nicky that helped me to go shopping and buy these.

Mother's Prayer group resumed again at my place on the 7th Feb. It was great to be back to pray and have fellowship. On the same evening we got the news from Maryann that our John got mugged at knife point near our home in Kendal Close, London. They took the bag that had his cell phone, wallet with his credit cards, 200 pounds that he earned that day with his tip money from his tour as he works as a Tour guide, plus the new Tablet (Ipad) that we bought him. He was most concerned that he lost his leather bag and tore his brand new Canadian jeans when they tripped him. The police came immediately, they were good, his friends and his sister Maryann has been fantastic. I was obviously concerned. We have been in touch regularly but we thank and praise God that he was not physically hurt. John is fantastic by saying that there was a plan from God and we have to learn from it. Yes he is still shaken who won't be!!?? I thank God again for these lovely children of ours.
I have been suffering from Jet lag all week and you can read all about it in the 3rd email.
Till then, take care and God Bless
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