Dear All
News 23 - June 2012 - It's been one year in our present sweet home!!
I was just looking at my last year's diary to find that 11th June 2012 we would have completed one year in getting the key to 1121 Potters Wheel Crescent, Oakville, Ontario, Canada. On 26th June we completed one year actually living in it. Where has the time gone? My neighbour Mary Ellen took me out on the 27th June to celebrate us being in the house for one year. A very nice gesture.
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Mary Ellen |
It is a very hot summer just like India or rather New Delhi when I was growing up. I remember my friends and I used to run into any air conditioned space to cool ourselves. Well my dear it is the same here it gets cooler around 5pm. The humidity is much too high. I am not complaining but rather wish I could pass some to my dear friends in England, UK. I love sitting in the Gazebo and watching the mum Robin feeding her little one, rabbits coming and munching my grass and plants and now we have a squirrel coming on to the deck because I put some bread a few days back. I do not know if I am doing the right thing there??
Our Associate Pastor Fr Duy (who had blessed our home last year) has been transferred to another Parish and so one of our Parishner 'Furilio' (Italian) hosted a Farewell party at her place on Tuesday the 19th June and we all had to bring a dish. My Pakoras and Mango mousse went well. I got to know so many new people and we had a lot of fun. I felt happy and remembered all my friends in OLOP church in Reading, England, UK.
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Fiorella's home |
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Susan and Tony |
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Rosemary presenting Fr Duy on left his gift |
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Fr Mark on left and Fr Duy on right |
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The 2 Bettys that welcomed me last year in St Matthews |
This is Joe and on the left picture is his mother in law Marie
On 20th June we went to say bye to Blinnie (our friend from Reading, UK). Blinnie's sister Ita did a good spread of puddings and cakes and a wonderful cup of tea. Outside the house and in the garage Ita's husband Michael showed us his collection of 3 restored vintage cars. He has offered to take us for a drive later in the summer. I would not like to miss that offer. They are such warm people. On Thursday the 21st June I woke up with accruciating pain on the left shoulder and back. As the day progressed I could not breathe and it travelled up my left arm. I was lucky to get a lift from the church to the Dr who immediately saw me and told me to go to the hospital. Jack was at work. At this time I met some lovely people in the church who went out of their way to make me feel wanted and wanted to do so much for me. I feel happy that I am in the right place. It turned out to be nothing more than a frozen shoulder due to the Ac which we had just switched on Need to cover my body more fully. I am fine now panic is over.
This is Ita and Blinnie and Jack is doing the BBQ
When the schools close at the end of June, then even church activities get a holiday. When we came this time last year I felt so isolated because even the notice board did not give a clue that something does happen in this huge church when life gets back to normal in September. After speaking with our Parish priest we now do have our boards showing activities which will recommence after the holidays. I am still on the look out for new peole to meet with as always. Our prayer group (which meets on Fridays) had a social at Belle and Andy's place. We all took a dish and we had such a wonderful evening started with Praise and Worship, a short prayer and then the party.
Attended Des/Tehnaz's daughter Rachel's graduation party and met some lovely people there. The Rotary Club of Oakville hosted a Rib Fest (a typical Canadian fair with many competing BBQ stalls selling pork ribs) for the first time from the 22nd to the 24th June. We supported by going on the 24th. All the money raised was going towards vaccination for children against Polio, shelter for women and their children in crisis, to support students attending The Homework Club and after-school mentoring Program, water filter, supplying clean drinking water and towards many other community needs. It was a community effort and many volunteers came forward. That day England and Italy were playing and my heart was heavy as I watch the penalty kicks and England lose. Never mind.
Rachel's Graduation and on the left picture is Tehnaz and DesmondOn Monday the 25th June Jack and I attended an Unbound Ministry session. It is a session where one talks to a couple of people who are trained which is the real beauty because they are caring and filled with the Holy Spirit. I opened my heart to them and it was amazing how many things down deep inside me I had kept in my heart that prevented me getting closer to God and here is one example. I was angry I was with God for taking my dad when I was so young. Also how I had not actually forgiven many people fully. So in Jesus's name I forgave and renounced many things and I came out feeling so light and free and I wonder how on earth and why I or anyone would like to be chained with these burdens when we can free ourselves and be closer to God every day.
On 20th June we went to say bye to Blinnie (our friend from Reading, UK). Blinnie's sister Ita did a good spread of puddings and cakes and a wonderful cup of tea. Outside the house and in the garage Ita's husband Michael showed us his collection of 3 restored vintage cars. He has offered to take us for a drive later in the summer. I would not like to miss that offer. They are such warm people. On Thursday the 21st June I woke up with accruciating pain on the left shoulder and back. As the day progressed I could not breathe and it travelled up my left arm. I was lucky to get a lift from the church to the Dr who immediately saw me and told me to go to the hospital. Jack was at work. At this time I met some lovely people in the church who went out of their way to make me feel wanted and wanted to do so much for me. I feel happy that I am in the right place. It turned out to be nothing more than a frozen shoulder due to the Ac which we had just switched on Need to cover my body more fully. I am fine now panic is over.
This is Ita and Blinnie and Jack is doing the BBQ
When the schools close at the end of June, then even church activities get a holiday. When we came this time last year I felt so isolated because even the notice board did not give a clue that something does happen in this huge church when life gets back to normal in September. After speaking with our Parish priest we now do have our boards showing activities which will recommence after the holidays. I am still on the look out for new peole to meet with as always. Our prayer group (which meets on Fridays) had a social at Belle and Andy's place. We all took a dish and we had such a wonderful evening started with Praise and Worship, a short prayer and then the party.
Attended Des/Tehnaz's daughter Rachel's graduation party and met some lovely people there. The Rotary Club of Oakville hosted a Rib Fest (a typical Canadian fair with many competing BBQ stalls selling pork ribs) for the first time from the 22nd to the 24th June. We supported by going on the 24th. All the money raised was going towards vaccination for children against Polio, shelter for women and their children in crisis, to support students attending The Homework Club and after-school mentoring Program, water filter, supplying clean drinking water and towards many other community needs. It was a community effort and many volunteers came forward. That day England and Italy were playing and my heart was heavy as I watch the penalty kicks and England lose. Never mind.
Rachel's Graduation and on the left picture is Tehnaz and DesmondOn Monday the 25th June Jack and I attended an Unbound Ministry session. It is a session where one talks to a couple of people who are trained which is the real beauty because they are caring and filled with the Holy Spirit. I opened my heart to them and it was amazing how many things down deep inside me I had kept in my heart that prevented me getting closer to God and here is one example. I was angry I was with God for taking my dad when I was so young. Also how I had not actually forgiven many people fully. So in Jesus's name I forgave and renounced many things and I came out feeling so light and free and I wonder how on earth and why I or anyone would like to be chained with these burdens when we can free ourselves and be closer to God every day.
Our Friday Intercessory Prayer Group and they have become my friends |