Hope you all are well and have been successful in journey with Christ during Lent. In my case for the first time in history I only managed to attend The Station of the Cross once which was on Friday the 30th March in Canada, very different to the ones we do in UK. Due to my travels I missed doing The Station of the Cross. I hope to bear that in mind when I organise my next trip.

On Saturday the 10th March Jack was there at the airport to greet me with a placard saying 'Welcome Home My Darling Mel' and it seems just before I made my appearance a young man with a pony tail came running down towards Jack with his arms wide open saying 'Hi Darling I am here' to which Jack replied saying 'Sorry mate, you do not look like her!' When we got to the car he gave me a bunch of red roses. I was really touched by all these warm and loving gestures. Then in the drive way, he handed me the key to the house which I thought to be odd. When I reached the door, there was a picture of me with the caption saying 'I LOVE YOU MEL'. I was really moved. Then he mentioned that there were more surprises... Well, I went to the bedroom to hang my clothes I spotted the Teddy Bear. Jack had followed me and he said 'let me undo the bottom wrapping', which he did and then pressed the feet of the Teddy Bear. It started to sing and dance to the tune of Justin Beaver's song which has this line 'I love you and I will never be apart from you again.' He even pointed out that he had put in new showerheads. To top it all, Jack experienced God more deeply whilst I have been away and it is a real joy that we both can pray the same way and thank and praise God all the time. So I have waited 35 years to let Jack get so romantic. I am one happy and lucky person.

The next day at the Sunday Mass I was welcomed by Fr Mark and many Parishners. I felt good. I have been doing home cooking which Jack loves. Jack and I have started our daily walks and at times I walk with two of my other friends called Laura and Vita. It is laughter all the time which is just fantastic.
We have been to a retreat organised by priests that has travelled all the way from South India organised by a Prayer Group here called Family Prayer Mission. Oh boy they were great speakers. Our church had also organised 2 Lenten Programmes. One was 5 sessions on Vatican II (this year being 50 year anniversary) and its impact on us with discussions. Then six videos from a series called Catholicism again followed by discussions. I thoroughly enjoyed the programmes even though I managed to attend only 4 as I was away in India and UK.

We had our Penitenial Service yesterday 4th April at 7pm. We had 10 priests. By the time we went for confession it was 9pm. A very different experience again from UK. I am enjoying watching the Biblical movies being shown during this Holy Week eg. The Last Temptation of Jesus, The story of Jesus in two parts, today the 5th April Maundy Thursday we will be watching Jesus Christ Superstar and on Good Friday it will be on Jacob and Joseph. It brings the Bible alive.
Yesterday I went to help Hanya in St Matthew's school to tape shoe boxes that the children filled with useful things and today we went to the Canadian Centre – ‘Food for Children’ that Mother Theresa started with a Doctor here. I do not remember his name. The container will be shipped to somewhere outside Canada where it is most needed. I felt so happy that I could get involved in helping.
John had a lovely Birthday with his friends on the 1st April although I missed him and Maryann very much. We do skype and use phone which is a real Blessing for us.
Nothing much to say except that we would like to wish you
Hope your day is filled with joyful blessings -
the kind that God delights in giving!
Keep in touch.
Lots of love and God Bless.
Jack, Mel, Maryann and John